DIARIES FROM LEBANON: A brilliant premiere at the Berlinale 2024 (Myriam El Hajj, LabDoc 2022)
Karim Bensalah and Jamal Belmahi win best screenplay award at Red Sea IFF
LabMed 2023 Laureates honored
Closing of the 4th edition of Lab Doc
Meditalents award a prize during the Venice Film Festival
Luisa Porrino presents her latest feature film
Philippe Pujol at the LAB DOC 2023
SOLID wins a "star" from SCAM
A major partnership with TorinoFilmLab
Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire at the LAB MED 2023
Samy Sidali presents his films at the journées des chichas de la pensée
Morad Mostafa at the Cannes Film Festival
The 4th Lab Doc welcomes its laureates
The 12th Lab Med welcomes its laureates
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