LabMed 2014

The class of 2014 was hosted in Ouarzazate (Morocco), in November 2013, March 2014 and June 2014, by the Ouarzazate Film Commission-OFC, then in Marrakech (Morocco), on the occasion of the Marrakech International Festival by the Marrakech International Festival Found.

Yasmine Chouikh
Yasmine started as early as 14 years old as an intern on shoots and working on scripts. After studying psychology, she attended a summer training at the FEMIS in Paris.In 2006 she shot her short film, El bab, then, in 2010, her second, El djinn, in 2010.Today she also hosts a movie column on television and presents on the Internet short films she has enjoyed.
Until the end of time
Everything is ready for the summer Ziara (pilgrimage), a time when hundreds of families come to gather on the graves of their deceased, under the protection of Sidi Boulekbour, a benevolent marabout nestled at the top of the ridge, who watches over the souls of the deceased from the surrounding villages.In the bus carrying the pilgrims is JOHER, a sixty-year-old woman who has come to gather for the first time on the grave of her sister. She meets ALI, the gravedigger and guardian of the cemetery. She asks him to help her organize her own funeral.The organization, step by step, of JOHER's future funeral, will upset ALI's daily life and the cemetery will then turn into a theater of love.

Sabrina Draoui
Diplômée en études supérieures de Chimie, 2ème dan et 6 fois championne d’Algérie de karaté, vice-championne d’Algérie de natation. Cette athlète accomplie n’est pas pour autant dépourvue de sensibilité. Sa passion pour la photo et son goût des ombres la mette dans la lumière puisqu’elle sera la lauréate, en 2006, du concours international de photographie «Regards croisés ». De l’Espagne au Proche-Orient, elle présente ses travaux dans le cadre d’une exposition itinérante.Elle tourne et filme son première court-métrage fiction Goulili, caméra au point et au poing elle passe de la photo au cinéma avec succès. Le film de la jeune réalisatrice séduit, fait le tour de 42 festivals internationaux et accumule 11 prix.Sous sa double casquette de réalisatrice/cadreuse elle collabore sur de multiples tournages de fictions, documentaires et reportages télé. Quelques années plus tard et après une formation aux Ateliers Varan, elle se consacre à réaliser son long-métrage documentaire de création.
This is the story of the restart of a father-daughter/coach-athlete relationship. She, a young champion in karate, he, fresh out of prison.
In a family drama that sighs to the rhythm of the events of Algeria's decade of terrorism, this couple goes through its upheavals and those of a country in disarray. Together, they head for a Brazilian world podium.

Rayya Laajimi
Rayya Laajimi is a scriptwriter, playwright and university teacher at the Higher School of Audiovisual and Cinema in Gammarth. (ESAC)She began her career as an actress at the Tunisian National Theater under the direction of Mohamed Driss before leaving for France where she obtained a Master's degree in theater studies in Paris. After a two-year detour in Dubai where she teaches French language, she returns in 2012 in Tunisia. She collaborates with the late Ezzeddine Gannoun as an assistant director, ensures the organization and coordination of several national festivals including the Carthage Film Festival (JCC) in 2014. From 2014 to 2016, she collaborates on the adaptation and dialogues of the screenplay of Fleur d'Alep by Ridha Béhi where she plays a leading role.Selected for the development of a first feature-length screenplay at the Meditalents workshops, she wrote The Detachment in 2013, a partially autobiographical project. She joined forces with producer Nejib Ayed in 2016 for the production of her first short film entitled Hassan.A university teacher and editor, she is currently working on writing a dramaturgical text with Mohamed Driss as well as a first novel in Arabic tentatively entitled Femmes au gré du vent.
Le détachement
This is the story of Amina, a married Tunisian woman who veils her deepest identity to meet social demands and escape her own past. She is the wife, the mother and the adulterer too... or maybe only the Woman in search of her truth in a chaos of socio-religious stereotypes. Caught by the disease of the century, she is on the verge of alienation when she finally decides to face her "demons" and remedy her situation... The revolutionary upheaval of 2011, like her identity crisis, may pave the way to her liberation. Amina's story is a crossing to the human in an ocean of unspoken and mysteries...

Rami Al Otaibi
Born in Kuwait, Rami has lived in Amman for most of his life, after his family fled Kuwait at the time of the Gulf War.After studying Russian, working as a fashion editor, working on documentaries or acting in commercials, he entered Jordan's film school, RSICA.He makes art videos and short documentaries, while still working in fashion and dance.He is developing his feature film project drawn from his personal experience.
Unknown Fear
1990, the Gulf War, a Palestinian family of five, is in a hurry to evacuate Kuwait to find refuge in Jordan. They face a long crossing of the Iraqi desert in dramatic, sometimes frightening conditions.Once they reach Jordan, just when they thought they would finally find peace, the family faces new challenges.The story is told through the eyes of their small child Adam, 8.

Munir Abbar
French teacher, Munir Abbar founded his Production Company, Cinquante-sept Berlin GmbH in 1999. He produced mainly commercials for the German and international markets.In 2004, he founded a second production company in Morocco and directed his first short film, Paris-sur-Mer.
Wild life
Taibi, 32, an illiterate unemployed man from Tangier, finds himself helping an au pair girl who is babysitting Paul, a very young, withdrawn child. While Paul asks Taibi to read him stories, the latter, pretending to read, actually invents them, regaining confidence in life in view of the happiness he brings to the child... until the day the mother discovers the deception...

Mohamed Siam
Siam is a fiction and documentary filmmaker who has received several international grants and awards for his films, including from Sundance Institute, World Cinema Fund, CNC, Aide aux Cinémas du Monde, Sorfond, Vision Southeast, Doha Film Institute, IDFA Bertha Fonds, Catapult Film Fund, Hot Docs Blue Ice Fund, OIF, Cinereach, AFAC (Arab Fund for Arts and Culture) and Screen Institute Beirut. His films have been screened in festivals such as Karlovy Vary, NYFF, Hot Docs and IDFA among others.he has participated in workshops at many prestigious film institutions such as Sundance Labs, IDFA Academy, Doc Campus, La Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde at the Cannes Film Festival.Siam has been to the Berlinale, Durban and Beirut Talent Alumnus. At the Berlinale Editing Studio, he worked with renowned Danish editor Molly Marlene Stensgaard (Dancer in the Dark, Melancholia).Siam has won the Robert Bosch Film Award, AfriDocs Award, Durban FilmMart Award and Thessaloniki Docs-In-Progress. Siam is the 2016 recipient of The MacDowell Colony and Global Media Makers Fellowships and Mellon Foundation Fellowship.Siam is a reader and member of film committees and commissions for documentary and fiction film funds and markets.
Sang et Miel
The right choice yet still leads you to guilt.During the celebration of a major Muslim holiday, the sick father returns home after a long absence due to health problems. His youngest son is waiting for him, but he is very angry. They have a long conversation that brings to light all their repressed and long accumulated conflicts. Finally, the circumstances offered by the father's return from the hospital allow this intense confrontation that has always been postponed.

Carine Doumit
Carine Doumit, born in 1981 in Lebanon, is an independent editor based in Beirut. Since 2005, she has collaborated on numerous feature documentaries as well as video essays. She is a lecturer at St. Joseph University in Beirut and works as an editing consultant in workshops. She published her first essay, Les Épargnés, in 2015.
Le sommeil
A mother and her son have lived together forever. They share the same rituals, occupy the same space: a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a television, an armchair, a balcony, a view of the village's main street... But what the son doesn't know is that they are not alone; the mother has a lover. Is he real or imaginary, authorized only under certain conditions to penetrate their intimacy?

Ahmed Abuzeid
A graduate of the Faculty of Engineering at the American University in Cairo, Ahmed is a novelist. He was one of the writers of the book Voice in Refuge published in 2008 by the American University's publishing house. He also wrote a collection of short stories published under the title "Chronic anxiety by Sharkeyat publishing house (2010).
Le peuple de mon pays
Shady and Mayvel, a young couple from Cairo, are confronted with the revolution in their intimate and professional lives: should they commit and how? How will their commitment or non-commitment affect their lives and their romantic relationship?

Nella Banfi
Franco-Italian producer, Les Nuits Fauves, Cyril Collard (4 Césars), co-producer of Nanni Moretti, and numerous first films. Former President of Meditalents, currently in charge of the association's development.

Danièle J. Suissa
Danièle Suissa, originally from Casablanca, was deeply influenced by her childhood in Morocco, where the magic of the environment and the vibrant colors, faces,sounds, and music shaped her creative path. After studying at Marymount Paris and New York, she graduated from the National Conservatory of Dramatic Art in Paris. She began her career as a stage manager at the Theatre du Palais Royal and went on to assist renowned directors in Europe and the United States. Danièle collaborated with Anaïs Nin on three screenplays and adapted her novel "Une Espionne Dans La Maison De L'amour" with Jeanne Moreau. In Montreal, she directed numerous plays in both English and French and co-produced films in Canada and France. She also directed commercials and taught acting, directing, and production at various institutions. Danièle later moved to Jordan and taught at the Red Sea Institute of Cinematic Art before returning to Morocco.

Marcel Beaulieu
Marcel Beaulieu is a screenwriter born in 1952 in Canada. He began his career in 1978 writing radio plays for Radio Canada1. Working in Quebec, France and Europe, he has collaborated on over eighty works, with Léa Pool, Francis Leclerc, Yves Simoneau, Michel Langlois and others. In 1997, he founded a screenplay teaching program at the Institut national de l'image et du son (INIS) in Montreal. He is best known for Gérard Corbiau's Farinelli (nominated for an Oscar in 1995 for Best Foreign Film and winner of the Golden Globe for Foreign Film).

Hassan Legzouli
Born in 1963 in Aderj, Morocco, Hassan Legzoulihas lived in Lille, France, since the 1980s. After studying mathematics, heturned to cinema. In 1994, he graduated as a director from INSAS, the film school in Brussels, Belgium. In 1990, he directed his first short film, Ailleurs et ici, followed by four others, Coup de gigot (1991), Le Marchand de souvenirs (1992), Là- bas si j'y suis (1993) and L'Ère du soupçon (1994).

Pierre Chevalier
Pierre Chevalier was born on December 25, 1945 into a bourgeois family from Lyon. After studying law, he ran away to Saint-Tropez and met his uncle Pierre Boulez. He went on to study for a master's degree in philosophy in Paris and became a babysitter for Gilles Deleuze and Fanny, where he lived for a decade. He held a number of positions in the cultural field, including at the French Secretary of State for Culture and the Centre national des lettres. From 1991 to 2003, he headed Arte's Fictions unit, producing numerous TV movies and mini-series. He then worked for the French Ministry of Culture, becoming a radio producer for France Culture. In 2009, he joined Arte as director of projects.

Catherine Tullat
Catherine TULLAT is an author, screenwriter and director. She started out as a production assistant (TV movies, feature films, advertising films). Since then, she has divided her time between writing for theater, radio and television, and directing documentaries.
From 2010 to 2013, she was elected to the SACD Budget Control Commission. Reader at Cinéma du monde/CNC and deputy member of the Franco-Italian CNC commission and script doctor for various productions. She is a member of EAT. She has received several writing grants from the Fondation Beaumarchais (cinema, radio). In 2017 she was elected SACD radio administrator. In 2021 she was elected to the MACD (mutuelle des auteurs) and wrote her first novel, "PAPAMACHINE", which is currently being published.

Mama Keïta
Mama Keïta, born August 6, 1956 in Dakar, is a director and screenwriter of Franco-Guinean origin. After studying law at the University of Paris-I, he began writing screenplays. In 1981, he began his directing career with five short films, followed by Ragazzi in 1990 and Le 11ème commandement in 1997. In 1998, his director friend David Achkar died and asked him to direct his project Le Fleuve in his place. Mama Keïta travelled from Dakar to Conakry to make the film her own. Le Fleuve, released in 2002, won the Prix de la Presse at the Paris Film Festival. He then directed Le Sourire du Serpent in 2006 and L'Absence in 2009, which won the screenplay prize at Fespaco. He also contributed to the collective film L'Afrique vu par... with his short One more vote for B. Obama. Mama Keïta holds French and Guinean nationality, her mother is Vietnamese and her father Guinean.

Faouzi Bensaidi
Faouzi Bensaidi trained as an actor at the Institut d'art dramatique et d'animation culturelle in Rabat, then at the Conservatoire national supérieur d'art dramatique in Paris in 1995. After directing several plays, he turned to short films in 1997, most notably La Falaise, which won 23 festival awards. He co-wrote the screenplay for André Téchiné's Loin in 1999, then signed his first feature Mille mois in 2003.
His film Volubilis was selected in the Venice Days section at the 2017 Venice Film Festival.