

Siam is a fiction and documentary filmmaker who has received several international grants and awards for his films, including from Sundance Institute, World Cinema Fund, CNC, Aide aux Cinémas du Monde, Sorfond, Vision Southeast, Doha Film Institute, IDFA Bertha Fonds, Catapult Film Fund, Hot Docs Blue Ice Fund, OIF, Cinereach, AFAC (Arab Fund for Arts and Culture) and Screen Institute Beirut. His films have been screened in festivals such as Karlovy Vary, NYFF, Hot Docs and IDFA among others.he has participated in workshops at many prestigious film institutions such as Sundance Labs, IDFA Academy, Doc Campus, La Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde at the Cannes Film Festival.Siam has been to the Berlinale, Durban and Beirut Talent Alumnus. At the Berlinale Editing Studio, he worked with renowned Danish editor Molly Marlene Stensgaard (Dancer in the Dark, Melancholia).Siam has won the Robert Bosch Film Award, AfriDocs Award, Durban FilmMart Award and Thessaloniki Docs-In-Progress. Siam is the 2016 recipient of The MacDowell Colony and Global Media Makers Fellowships and Mellon Foundation Fellowship.Siam is a reader and member of film committees and commissions for documentary and fiction film funds and markets.

Sang et Miel

The right choice yet still leads you to guilt.During the celebration of a major Muslim holiday, the sick father returns home after a long absence due to health problems. His youngest son is waiting for him, but he is very angry. They have a long conversation that brings to light all their repressed and long accumulated conflicts. Finally, the circumstances offered by the father's return from the hospital allow this intense confrontation that has always been postponed.


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