
He began his adventure at the Beaux-Arts in Toulon, where he tried his hand at video art. But he soon realised that video art was a bit like makroud without dates... It lacks something. He turned to teaching, because let's be honest, what better way to avoid the art world than to teach it? At the same time, he was creating short films with an absurd universe and, surprise, surprise, his work found its way into a few festivals. Then he took part in the famous 48h Film Project, which he won internationally. It was at this point that a luminous thought - or perhaps a simple bout of fatigue - crossed his mind: ‘Zeubi*, what if I carried on? So he started writing screenplays, and so far, so good. ‘Dernier makroud avant la fin du monde’ is his first feature film.
* Zeubi’ is a slang term that has its origins in the Arabic language. It is often used in a vulgar and crude way to refer to the male penis.