

After a Master's degree in international law, Riad turns to cinema, his first passion. He embarks on self-production in writing and directing a first short film in 2013, Héritages. In a desire for professionalization, he joined the writing residency La Ruche de Gindou Cinéma in 2016. This residency, which includes three writing sessions spread over several months, allows him to write the first version of the screenplay for La Veillée. Afterwards, he met his producers, Emmanuel Wahl and Adrien Bretet, with whom he rewrote the script. La Veillée is his first short film produced, by Qui Vive! and Pictor.


A North African girl living in a slum grows up in contact with her family's activism. When she becomes a woman, this heritage will allow her to emancipate herself.


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