Di Mitri

Paola Di Mitri is a director, writer and performer of documentary theater and documentary film. Her works start from the reuse of historical and family archive materials and deal with social and political issues. Among her theatrical directions Vita Amore Morte and Rivoluzione (2022) presented at the Festival Romaeuropa 2022, Libya. Back Home (2019) which debuts at the Festival delle Colline Torinesi and at the Festival Romaeuropa 2019, Human Animal (2017), Il Paradiso degli idioti (finalist Premio Scenario 2015).In 2021, she signs the direction of her first documentary film Tutti i Nostri Affanni produced by ZaLab Film. The same year she collaborates ,as author, to the documentary film Qui Non c'è niente di Speciale, winner of the XVI Salina Doc Fest and works as author and performer in the film Comunisti, winner of the Zavattini Prize and presented in official selection out of competition. at the 40th Film Festival of Turin.
The Big Hole
Il Grande Buco" is a creative documentary that, starting from the personal history of the author, will open to a collective and generational dimension.Intermingling the use of private and historical archive images with images shot in the present time, the film traces a subjective journey within the left-wing social movements in Italy, from the 1960s until today. The hole between the two rooms of the new house where the two authors live, is the point from which all their thoughts are born.The choice to have or not to have a child becomes the pretext to represent the disorientation of a whole generation (that of the thirty-year-olds today) facing the future.