
With her master's degree in literature and cinema from the Sorbonne and her experience as an assistant director, Enrika Panero plunges us into her stories like a poetess of images and sounds by mixing intimate and social themes. Noticed for her screenplays in festivals (Med in scenario, Prix Océan, Côté court Pantin, Espace kiosque festival of Marseille), she has directed 2 short films and is developing her 1st feature film, fruits of her free and lyrical observation of the world and its psyche.
Citoyens de seconde zone
Samie, 40, a committed singer, failed and asocial, no longer knows why she lives. After yet another attempt at a "normal job", she finds herself on the street.Wandering the streets of Paris, she mingles with a rowdy social protest where she is saved from a CRS charge by Tom, 40, a radical and disillusioned militant videographer who doesn't know what he is fighting for anymore. The two of them unite during the demonstration, to raise their fists, to film the exactions of the CRS and to throw paving stones, regaining a semblance of rage and strength. But the rally degenerates violently and to avoid being arrested, they take refuge in a squat of libertarian artists, friends of Tom: a universe which inspires Samie who starts writing again in her notebook, engaged songs. The next day, the cops, looking for militant thugs, enter the squat and Samie and Tom flee in a van towards Marseille. A run where they will have no other choice than to live, no other choice than to resist. Like the last of the citizens of this world.