
A biologist by training, Andréa Haug specialises in the relationship between humans and their natural and man-made environment. After becoming a science journalist for the written press, she went on to direct documentaries. Among the films she has written and directed are committed works on human rights and deforestation (Green Card sous les Tropiques - Les Penans abattent leur dernière carte), solidarity (Pompiers Sans Frontières: 20 ans d'engagement ici et dans le monde), science in the service of nature protection (webdoc www. biodiv-laos.fr in competition at the International Environmental Film Festival, the scientific series Sous la surface with RFI and the IRD, etc.) or helping people to feel better after illness (La Bulle Bleue). She also shares her insight and knowledge in the form of film workshops (short films) and media workshops (audiovisual reports), which she runs for a variety of audiences (schoolchildren, students, people with disabilities, etc.). Whatever their form, the author believes in the power of stories, which have always nurtured our hopes, sharpened our awareness of the world, and marked and sometimes transformed our humanity through the emotions they generate. Since 2020, working alone or as part of a team, Andréa Haug has also been a fiction writer on series, short and feature film projects, often featuring female characters.
Les âmes bleues
Every summer around the Mediterranean sea, the biologist Amalia takes children recovering from cancer aboard a sailing boat. Her mission: to introduce these little sailors to marine research and help them move on with their lives. Before setting sail, Amalia learns that she has cancer. But she goes anyway.