Alice Murgia is 27 years old and graduated in directing from Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografi. Her graduation film "Margherita" went to festivals like Alice nella città . In April 2021 she participated in Torino Film Lab Next to develop her first feature film with Diero Films and is currently working as an assistant director in films such as "The Little Mermaid".
Andrea is 13 years old, spending summers with her grandmother Gisella in Sardinia, in a small village nestled in the mountains and near the sea. This year, Andrea has grown up, or rather, her body has grown up and men have noticed it before her.She clings to her childhood habits and wants to return to the domu de jana, with her friends. But they don't care about those fairy tales anymore, unlike her, they have grown up now. The domu was their secret place and holds a treasure that an inscription forbids to take. In fact the domus were ancient tombs that, according to folk tales, house mischievous little fairies born of bees, who will teach women to weave precious fabrics.Meanwhile, Andrea attracts the eyes of men and even that of Nicola, her crush. She has her first period and the lights of the house in front of Gisella's turn on. A sweet song comes from there; a woman weaves the loom with a golden thread. With her there is also a man. They are Lucia and Massimo. Watching them, Andrea begins to appreciate her new desires and sensations. She finally finds the courage to kiss.Is Lucia a jana?Jana is the story of that summer we all lived and none of us will ever forget.