Make your script project a reality
1st session from 26/06 to 01/07 - 2nd session from 28/08 to 02/09
8 places available - Application deadline: May 26, 2023
Join nowMastering your script means optimizing the chances of being produced and reaching your audience
✓ Struggling to develop an effective narrative structure?
✓ Lacking the analytical tools to assess the quality of your work?
✓ Struggling to embody your characters?✓ Unsure of how to reach your audience?
✓ Want to become more professional in screenwriting?
From idea to page
Mastering screenwriting
1st session from 26/06 to 01/07 - 2nd session from 28/08 to 02/09
8 places available - Application deadline: May 26, 2023
Enroll nowThe subject
The tools
Appreciate the relevance of your subject, its interest and the "soul" that carries it.
We will help you understand the relevance of your subject and find the soul that carries it to make it captivating. We will also study the different key elements of the quality of your script, such as dramatic structure, tension, characters and drama.

Receive the analytical tools to advance your writing.
We will study the different elements that make up the form of a screenplay, such as narrative structure, chronology, division into sequences and scenes, description of characters and places, as well as the technical elements necessary for production. We will help you acquire the analytical tools necessary to progress in your writing.
Improve your knowledge of creative fiction and screenwriting.
We will explore the different elements that can add meaning to your story, such as the theme, the moral stakes, the symbolism, the subtext and the psychological dimension of the characters. We will also discuss the different stages of writing and working methods to help you structure your screenplay in a way that gives it effectiveness, depth and emotional meaning.


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training structure
The training takes place in the form of 2 writing residencies in Marseille interspersed with personal work with follow-up by email and videoconference exchanges with seasoned screenwriters.
✦ Alternating group work sessions, theoretical parts and one-on-one or small group work with the training screenwriter(s).
✦ Acquisition of the tools of analysis, structural construction and narration allowing the development of the power of one's project.
✦ Acquisition of the "key" theoretical references of dramaturgy and screenwriting narration.
✦ Group dynamics that allows to multiply the views on his work and test his tracks of improvements.
✦ The pitch, and the art of telling to others that allows to constantly confront the evolution of his work, defend his tracks and options, test his choices and proposals.
✦ One-on-one work or in small groups with the scriptwriters trainers, which allows to ask all the questions on the evolution of his project and put into practice the tools of narrative and structural development.
Join our training now!
1st session from 26/06 to 01/07 - 2nd session from 28/08 to 02/09
8 places available - Application deadline: May 26, 2023
Duration in days
12 days
Face-to-face time
78 hours
Duration of the complete module (face-to-face + distance learning)
86 hours
Number of places
8 places are available for this course.
Application deadline
You can apply up to and including May 15, 2023.
Session dates
The first session will take place from June 26 to July 1, 2023, the second from August 28 to September 2. The sessions will take place in Marseille. The exact location will be indicated on your pre-registration form.
Candidate's profile
The course is intended for authors, writer-directors, writers and creators (literature, comics, video games), film and entertainment technicians, or anyone with previous writing experience who wishes to acquire or improve their scriptwriting and fictional skills.
The ability to develop one's approach as a writer will be the main criterion taken into account in the selection of these courses. The selection of the candidates will be made by telephone interview or videoconference.
Cost of the course (see quote)
4.200 € TTC per trainee, excluding accommodation, meals and travel expenses. Meditalents can assist you in the application process for the financing of the course and in the search for accommodation.
The processes of Meditalents' training actions are Qualiopi certified and we are "Datadock" referenced.
Declaration of activity registered under the number 93131806213 with the prefect of the South region.